"Pupils behave well. They play happily together and consider each other’s needs very well.""Parents are right to be pleased with the quality of teaching at the school.""Pupils learn well because the work they do provides good levels of challenge and helps them learn new skills."100% of parents said they would recommend this school to other parents"The curriculum supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development effectively.""Pupils get off to a good start in early years."

Kingfishers Year 4 2022-23

Miss Whitwood, Mrs Freeman and Mrs Wright

Friday 21st July 2023

In maths, we finished our coordinates unit by learning what translation is. We learnt how to read coordinates once they have been moved and we also moved coordinates and shapes on grids. 

In history, we learnt what happened in 1066 and how the Anglo-Saxon era came to an end. We learnt about the battle of Stamford Bridge as well as the Battle of Hastings. 

In science, we completed our sound unit by learning that the closer you are to a sound source, the louder it is and the further away you are, the quieter the sound. 

We loved opening our time capsules that we made on transition day last year. We have grown so much, and we all achieved at least one of our targets for the year.

Thank you, Kingfishers, for all your hard work this year! You have worked incredibly hard and have accomplished great things! Have a lovely summer! 

Friday 14th July 2023

In literacy this week, we planned and wrote a diary entry about our visit to Northampton museum. We included lots of skills we have practised over the year. 

In maths, we started our coordinates unit by learning how to read and write them. We then used this knowledge to plot coordinates on different grids and we joined them to create shapes. 

In history, we learnt about King Athelstan and what he accomplished during his reign. We discussed the impact his actions had not only on the Anglo-Saxons, but also British history. 

We really enjoyed our art day on Monday. We read a poem about the seasons and then thought of different images related to these seasons. We practised drawing these images and then in the afternoon, we created our final piece of artwork! 

On Friday, we watched a performance of The Railway Children. We really enjoyed it! 

Well done to Sam who is star of the week this week. Sam continues to work hard even as we come to the end of the year and his behaviour is always brilliant! 

Have a good weekend! 

Friday 7th July 2023

In literacy this week, we recapped how to punctuate direct speech with all the necessary punctuation. We also discussed what a diary is and why people write them. We then used dictionaries to identify what words mean and we identified the key features of a diary. 

We continued to develop our understanding of time this week by converting times from the 12 hour clock to the 24 hour clock and vice versa. We then applied our learning to problems to develop our learning further. 

In science, we continued to develop our understanding of pitch. We looked at different instruments and discussed how they change pitch. We then identified patterns between the instruments. 

In history, we learnt about Alfred the Great. We learnt what happened to him in his lifetime and discussed why he was an important Anglo-Saxon king. 

We really enjoyed sports day on Tuesday! We all participated in a range of activities, scoring points for our house teams. Thank you to all the parents who came to watch and support us! 

Well done to Sofia who is star of the week this week. Sofia has shown a brilliant, mature attitude to her learning this week and showed good sportsmanship during sports day. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 30th June 2023

In maths this week, we continued to develop our understanding of hours, minutes and seconds. We then recapped how to read times on an analogue clock and we converted times between these types of clocks and 12 hour digital clocks. We also finished our statistics unit by using data to draw line graphs. 

In literacy, we edited and wrote the final versions of our journey stories. We then began our unit on diaries and we did this by practising some of the skills needed to write one. We focused on subordinate clauses and cohesion.

We really enjoyed our trip to Northampton Museum on Tuesday! We began our workshop by being archaeologists and we identified what era different items were from. We then learnt about everyday life as a Viking and Anglo-Saxon and we looked at different items that were found in that period of history. 

In science, we learnt what pitch is and understood how the speed of vibrations impact it. We then used a hertz reader on iPads to identify the pitch of different items around the classroom. 

In PSHE, we discussed what is the same and what is different about male and female bodies. We recapped what puberty is and learnt how it changes a person’s body to an adults.

Well done to Ava who is star of the week this week. Ava represented the school brilliantly at the museum as she asked good questions and shared good ideas in the workshop. She was also respectful when looking round the exhibits. 

Have a good weekend! 

Friday 23rd June 2023

In literacy, we planned our hot write journey story over two lessons and then at the end of the week, we wrote it. We ensured we included many key features that we learnt.

In maths, we finished our unit on money by answering word problems. We then began our time unit by learning how many days are in each month. We converted days to weeks and vice versa and then we converted between seconds, minutes, hours and days. 

In history, we learnt what Viking society was like. We learnt who Jarls, Karls and Thralls were and identified what their roles were. We showed this information by drawing pictures. 

In music, we learnt what a motif is and identified them in different pieces of music. We then played the motif from our focus song on glockenspiels and xylophones. 

We thought about the experiment we completed last week on sound insulators and considered ways that we could improve the experiment if we were to do it again.

Well done to Sam who is star of the week this week. He always has a brilliant attitude to his learning, he has faced the assessments with a positive mindset and he has shown excellent resilience. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 16th June 2023

We have been learning about money this week in maths. We converted between pounds and pence, compared different amounts of money and estimated amounts by rounding. In our statistics lesson, we read data in line graphs. 

In literacy, we wrote a journey story as a class. We followed the structure of our focus text and included the skills we practised before half term. 

We learnt what sound insulators are in science and investigated which materials are the best insulators. We discussed how we were going to make the test fair and we shared our results. 

In history, we learnt what the Viking beliefs were. We understood that they believed in many Gods and we also learnt why the Vikings were not afraid of death. 

In French, we learnt how to say what kind of music we like listening to. We completed a survey to find out which type of music is the most popular in the class. 

Well done to Grace who is star of the week this week. Grace works hard in every lesson and she never becomes distracted when completing independent tasks. 

Have a good weekend. 

Friday 9th June 2023

In literacy this week, we continued our story unit by identifying the key features of this type of writing. We then used this to help us plan a story we will write as a class. 

We continued to develop our understanding of decimals this week by learning how to order them and round them. We then learnt how to write certain fractions, for example, 1/2 as a decimal. We also began our statistics unit by learning how to read pictograms and bar charts. We answered questions using this data. 

In history, we began learning about the Vikings. We learnt who they were, what they did and why they invaded England. We also made links between the Vikings and other things we have learnt this year. 

In science, we completed an experiment to find out how sound is created. We learnt that sound is created through vibrations and that it travels in waves to our ears. We then learnt what happens when the waves reach our ears. 

In RE, we learnt about a Hindu ceremony called the Sacred Thread Ceremony. We learnt why it takes place and what it represents. 

We had a visit from the police on Friday to discuss the importance of online safety. We discussed what we should do if someone is unkind to us. 

Well done to Lily-Rose who is star of the week this week. Lily-Rose has had a brilliant first week back as she has shown brilliant resilience in lessons and has created fantastic pieces of work. 

Have a good weekend! 

Friday 26th May 2023

In maths this week, we learnt how to partition decimals in the simplest way and then we partitioned these numbers in other ways. We also used our understanding of place value to compare decimals. 

In literacy, we discussed what the purpose of a story is and considered who might read journey stories. We also identified the structure of our focus text and discussed the atmosphere in each paragraph. We then discussed the vocabulary used in the story. 

We learnt about Sutton Hoo and what was discovered there in history. We discussed why this was an important discovery and what we can learn from the items that were found there. 

In RE, we learnt what a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is and discussed what happens during this ceremony. We also discussed the commitments and promises that are made during this ceremony. 

In music, we recapped how to play our rhythmic breaks and then we played them on instruments. 

We really enjoyed our wolf run on Tuesday. We all did brilliantly! Thank you to everyone who has sponsored us. 

Have a great half term! 

Friday 19th May 2023

In literacy this week, we learnt what possession is. We learnt how to show singular and plural possession using apostrophes. We also recapped how to punctuate direct speech. 

In maths, we learnt how to divide numbers by 10 which would give an answer with a decimal. We then learnt how to write hundredths as fractions and decimals and partitioned these in different ways. We then learnt how to divide numbers by 100 with an answer as a decimal. 

In RE, we recapped what happens during baptism and discussed why people decide to get baptised. We then created an information poster to share this information. 

In French, we used everything we have learnt this term to create our own menu. We included starters, mains and drinks. 

We learnt more about the Anglo-Saxon Gods in history this week and then learnt the reasons why they decided to convert to Christianity. We learnt the names of some of the most important people who helped make this change. 

In science, we discussed how environment changes impact animals. We discussed things like floods, droughts and earthquakes as well as human changes like deforestation, chemicals and pollution. 

Well done to Noah who is star of the week this week. He has shown brilliant enthusiasm across the curriculum and has listened extremely well to feedback so he can improve his work. 

Have a good weekend. 

Friday 12th May 2023

In maths this week, we developed our understanding of tenths by writing them as both fractions and decimals. We understood what decimal numbers represented using place value grids and we then placed tenths on number lines. 

In literacy, we used our plans to write our character description about Thor, an Anglo-Saxon god. We edited these and then we wrote the final version of them. We then learnt when to use a and an in sentences to ensure they make sense. 

In history, we learnt how Anglo-Saxon society was structured and learnt about each group of people. We then used this information to ask historical questions. 

In French, we learnt how to say different foods. We also used French dictionaries to identify what words mean. 

In music, we continued to develop our understanding of samba rhythms. We used different percussion instruments to play these rhythms.

In PSHE, we considered who is part of the school community. Once we did this, we considered what skills and attributes these people have which enable them to support the school community.   

Have a good weekend.

Friday 5th May 2023

We learnt how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator this week in maths. We also learnt how to add fractions to mixed numbers and subtracted fractions from whole amounts. 

In literacy, we used our plans from last week to write our shared write. We wrote our character description about an Anglo-Saxon God. We then planned our own character description ready to use for our hot write next week. 

In history, we learnt more about who the Anglo-Saxons were and why they invaded England. We learnt that they struggled to farm in their homeland because of flooding. 

In French, we identified the names of different food shops. We drew images to show what kinds of food are bought there and we practised saying them. 

In science, we learnt what flowering and non-flowering plants are and asked scientific questions about them. 

We learnt about the 7 R's in PSHE this week. These can help us look after our environment, for example, refuse, reuse and recycle. 

To celebrate the Kings coronation this weekend, we enjoyed our coronation themed assembly and picnic lunch.

Have a good weekend. 

Friday 28th April 2023

In maths this week, we learnt what improper fractions are. We learnt how to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions and at the end of the week, we learnt more about equivalent fractions and identified some. 

In literacy, we learnt what words mean that are in our focus text and then we identified the key features of a character description. We then used this to help us plan our own character description. 

We learnt how the Anglo-Saxons came to invade England in history. We learnt some important dates from this period of history and used them to create a timeline. We then explained our timeline. 

In science, we learnt what invertebrates are and understood that there are 6 groups of animals that come under this heading. We learnt characteristics of these animals and then used this to categorise different animals. 

We began our Samba unit in music this week by learning where it comes from and when it is used. We also learnt what instruments are used to play this type of music and matched them to the sounds they make. 

Well done to Eloise who has worked really hard since coming back after Easter. The work she has completed has been brilliant and it has been great to see her confidence grow with her learning! 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 21st April 2023

In literacy, we began our character description unit by practising skills that are included in this type of writing. We recapped how to use expanded noun phrases, alliteration, personification and similes. We also recapped how to write cohesively. 

We began our fraction unit in maths by understanding what fractions are. We then counted in fractions above 1 and learnt what mixed numbers are. We partitioned these numbers in different ways and placed them on number lines. 

In history, we learnt what happened after the Anglo-Saxons left in 410 AD. We also learnt that the Scots invaded Pictland, which is now Scotland. 

In French, we began to learn how to say different foods and drinks. We then read and practised saying a conversation in French that might occur in a restaurant when someone orders food. We wrote this conversation in English. 

In RE, we understood that some people see life as a journey and we discussed reasons for this. We then considered our own journeys in life and what we want to accomplish in them.  

In science, we recapped what fish, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are and what their features are. Using this information, we categorised a range of animals. 

Well done to Chase who is star of the week. Chase has shown fantastic enthusiasm in our lessons and he has completed amazing pieces of work. Well done Chase! 

Have a good weekend. 

Thursday 30th March 2023

In maths, we finished our perimeter unit by calculating the perimeter of irregular polygons. We also found missing lengths when doing this. 

In literacy, we edited our newspaper article and then wrote the final version. We also wrote a character description ready for our unit next half term. 

We recapped the different stages of the water cycle and then learnt how to say these in French. We then drew images to show the stages and described each one. 

In PSHE, we learnt what taxes are and learnt why adults pay them. We also identified the different parts of a payslip. 

We had two lessons of online safety this week. In the first, we discussed the positive ways we can interact with others online and in the second lesson, we discussed how people can be bullied online. We also discussed how we might know if someone is upset, angry or hurt online. 

On Thursday morning, we went down to the church with the rest of the school for the Easter service. Well done to everyone who performed and shared what happened during the last supper. 

Have a wonderful Easter everyone!

Friday 24th March 2023

In maths, we continued to develop our understanding of perimeter by identifying the missing lengths of rectilinear shapes and then we calculated their perimeters. We also calculated the perimeter of regular polygons. 

In literacy, we wrote a newspaper article as a class about Greens Norton School having no more uniform. We then planned our hot write and wrote it at the end of the week. 

In geography, we learnt about some of the most famous landmarks in London and described them. We then researched how many people visit these places each year and created a graph to show this information. 

We had 2 French lessons this week. In the first, we learnt how to describe the weather using compass points and in the second lesson, we learnt how to say and write the temperature in different places. 

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our brass concert on Tuesday. We really enjoyed showing what we learnt this term. 

On Thursday, we went down to the church to complete some Easter activities related to the Easter story.  

Well done to Eli who is star of the week this week. Eli has made an amazing amount of progress this term in rugby and he has shown great determination to earn his handwriting pen. 

Have a good weekend. 

Friday 17th March 2023

In literacy this week, we identified the key features of a newspaper article. We then used these to plan our own, ready to write next week. 

In maths, we began learning about perimeter. We identified the perimeter of shapes on grids and then we used addition and multiplication to calculate the perimeter of rectangles. At the end of the week, we identified the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. 

In geography, we learnt about the docklands in London. We learnt what they used to be used for and how the land use has changed over time. We looked at maps over time to do this. 

In RE, we recapped what happened during the Last Supper and we unpicked meanings in the bible about what happened. We then discussed why Jesus washed the disciple's feet and what this teaches Christians. 

We had 3 PE lessons this week which we really enjoyed. We took part in a cricket taster session where we learnt how to throw a cricket ball. We also participated in our usual rugby and circuit lessons. 

We enjoyed our dress rehearsal in music. We practised everything we have learnt over the last 9 weeks and are ready to perform next week! 

Well done to Sofia who is star of the week this week. Sofia is always kind and supportive to her peers and she had a very mature attitude towards our assessments.

Have a good weekend! 

Friday 10th March 2023

In maths this week, we answered correspondence problems and we also learnt different efficient methods for multiplication. We then began our length and perimeter unit by learning what kilometres are and we converted between m and km.

In literacy, we recapped how we can use fronted adverbials to show manner, frequency and possibility. We then learnt what newspaper articles are and discussed why people read them and we also learnt what words mean.

In science, we identified whether animals are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores by looking at their teeth. We then justified why we think this.

In French, we learnt how to describe different types of weather.

We had two geography lessons this week. In the first, we learnt what the different types of transport are in London and identified patterns. In the second lesson, we learnt more about the River Thames and how it has changed over time.

Well done to Noah Sp who is star of the week this week. He was worked really hard on his handwriting recently and has shown great kindness to his peers. 

Have a good weekend.

Friday 3rd March 2023

In maths this week, we learnt how to divide 3-digit numbers by partitioning. We began by partitioning in the simplest way and then moved on to more tricky partitioning. We then calculated answers that had remainders in at the end of the week. 

In literacy, we recapped what subordinate clauses are and used them in sentences to provide more information. We also spent two lessons learning what direct speech is and what is needed to punctuate it correctly. 

In science, we learnt what producers, prey and predators are and gave examples of each. We then asked scientific questions about these 3 groups. 

In geography, we learnt that Greater London has 2 cities and 32 boroughs. We used other cities that we have learnt in previous years to describe the position of the City of London. 

We enjoyed World Book Day on Thursday. We dressed up as some great characters and completed many activities about reading. We also enjoyed listening to different adults read. 

Well done to Ava who is star of the week this week. Ava has produced fantastic pieces of work and she showed amazing perseverance in maths. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 24th February 2023

In maths this week, we continued to develop our understanding of multiplication and division by solving problems that required us to multiply 3-digit numbers. We then learnt how to divide 2-digit numbers by partitioning and at the end of the week, we learnt how to write answers with remainders. 

In literacy, we used what we learnt last half term to plan and write an explanation text on different states of matter. We then edited and improved our writing at the end of the week. 

In science, we learnt what herbivores, carnivores and omnivores are and we grouped these different animals based on what they eat. We used a Venn diagram to do this. 

We learnt that Greater London is a region and a county in geography. We used an atlas to identify which counties surround Greater London and then used these to describe where the region is. 

We had two RE lessons this week. In the first, we learnt more about the Guru Granth Sahib and why Sikh's treat it like a human. In the second lesson, we learnt what the 5Ks are and what they represent. 

We began our tag rugby lessons with Northampton Saints this week which we really enjoyed. We learnt how to pass the rugby ball. 

Well done to Eliza who is star of the week this week. Eliza always says a very cheery good morning when answering the register and she has produced excellent pieces of work in lessons.

Have a good weekend.

Friday 10th February 2023

In literacy this week, we used our plans to write an explanation text on the digestive system. When we were writing these, we focused on including specific features, for example, subordinate clauses and formal tone. 

In maths, we continued to develop our understanding of multiplication by multiplying 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. We started by using the expanded method and then we moved on to using the short method. 

In geography, we learnt more about the River Nile and the benefits of it flooding. We also learnt about the Aswan High Dam and discussed the positives and negatives of it being built. 

On Wednesday, we showcased all of the poems we have learnt this term in assembly. We performed them to the rest of the school brilliantly! 

We celebrated Internet Safety Day on Tuesday and we discussed the importance of talking about what we do online. 

On Thursday, we enjoyed our trip to MK art gallery. We enjoyed looking around the exhibition called Trickster Figures and we also liked the workshop we completed where we created our own figure. 

As it is mental health week, we talked about the importance of looking after our mental health and we discussed ways we can do this. 

Well done to Katie who is star of the week this week. Katie has been a very supportive and helpful peer recently and has given others encouragement when they have struggled. 

Have a lovely half term everyone! 

Friday 3rd February 2023

In maths this week, we continued to develop our understanding of informal written methods for multiplication, for example, number lines. We then learnt how to use the expanded written method for multiplication and then progressed onto the short written method. 

In literacy, we learnt what an explanation text is, learnt the meaning of words in our focus text and identified the features of this type of writing. We then planned our class explanation text about the digestive system. 

We learnt about erosion in geography this week. We learnt what it is, how it happens and what happens because of it. We also learnt that different rocks erode at different speeds. 

We continue to enjoy our brass lessons each Tuesday. This week, we recapped how to play the notes c and d on our instruments and then we learnt how to play the note e. We then used these different notes to play different rhythms. 

In French, we used everything we have learnt this term to create a birthday party invitation. We then learnt what the similarities and differences are in how birthdays are celebrated in France and England. 

Well done to Louis who is star of the week this week. Louis has worked extremely hard in maths and has shown amazing perseverance when faced with challenges. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 27th January 2023

In literacy this week, we wrote the final versions of our river poems which were brilliant! We then recapped how to write in a formal tone and we learnt what subordinate clauses are. We also recapped how to write cohesively. 

In maths, we learnt how to divide numbers by 10 and 100. We then used this and our times table knowledge to identify other known facts. We also used partitioning and number lines to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. 

We had 2 lessons of science this week. In the first, we conducted an experiment to identify which type of chocolate melts the quickest. We used thermometers to measure the temperature of the water. In the second lesson, we learnt what the water cycle is and what the processes are. We then began an experiment to see these processes take place. 

In French, we completed a survey to identify when our birthdays are. We said our answers in French.

In RE, we learnt what the Mool Mantar is and its importance to Sikhs. We then identified what the phrases mean. 

Well done to Eli who is star of the week this week. Eli wrote a brilliant poem on rivers for his hot write and showed great resilience in maths. He has also shown what a kind and supportive peer he is. 

Have a good weekend. 

Friday 20th January 2023

In literacy this week, we wrote brilliant poems as a class about thunderstorms. We used lots of figurative language. At the end of the week, we planned and wrote another poem about rivers for our hot write. 

In maths, we learnt what factors are and identified factor pairs using our times table knowledge. We then learnt how to multiply numbers by 10 and 100. 

In French, we learnt how to say the months of the year. We then used this knowledge to identify when different French festivals and celebrations take place. 

We had two lessons of geography this week. In the first, we used online maps and atlases to identify where countries and some of the most famous rivers are in the world. In the second lesson, we learnt what the different parts of a river are and explained them. 

In science, we recapped what solids, liquids and gases are and then learnt how these can change state, for example, we discussed what happens when something freezes and evaporates. 

Well done to Harrison who is star of the week this week. Harrison has worked really hard to stay focused in lessons and has faced challenges with a positive mindset. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 13th January 2023

In maths this week, we continued to develop our understanding of multiplication by learning the 12 times table facts. We also learnt how to multiply numbers by 1 and 0 and we learnt how to divide numbers by 1 and itself. 

In literacy, we learnt what poems are and we discussed why people might write them. We then unpicked vocabulary in our focus text and identified the key features of a poem, including the skills we practised last week. We then planned a poem about thunderstorms. 

We enjoyed our RE trip to three different places of worship this week. We went to a Mosque, a Gurdwara and a church. We learnt more about these different faiths and considered similarities and differences between them. 

In geography, we learnt what some of the most well known rivers are called in the UK. We then identified where these rivers are using online maps and atlases. 

In French, we learnt how to say the days of the week. We then used this to create a timetable for lessons. 

We started our brass lessons this week in music! We learnt what different brass instruments are called, learnt how these instruments are played and we used mouth pieces to create sound.

Well done to Caitlin who is star of the week this week. Caitlin has shown great focus in lessons and has participated more in group discussions. She also completed brilliant work in science and French. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 6th January 2023

We have had an excellent start to 2023! 

In literacy, we practised some of the skills needed to write a poem. We recapped how to use alliteration and personification and we also learnt what metaphors are and learnt how to write them. 

In maths, we continued our multiplication and division unit by learning the 7 and 11 times table facts. We used this knowledge to answer reasoning and word problems. 

In RE, we looked at different images related to Sikhism and thought of questions we could ask a Sikh. We also learnt about their key beliefs and created a poster to show these. 

In French, we learnt how to say and read numbers to 31 and then we used this knowledge to solve calculations in French.

Have a good weekend. 

Friday 16th December 2022

We came to the end of our persuasive letter unit in literacy this week. We planned and wrote a persuasive letter as if we were the main character in our class book "The Boy At The Back Of The Class." We wrote fantastic letters. 

In maths, we recapped the 3, 6 and 9 times tables and then we noticed patterns with the answers.

In French, we designed an outfit for someone and then we wrote sentences to describe the different items of clothing. 

In our online safety lesson, we discussed healthy and unhealthy relationships and what these might look like online. 

On Monday and Tuesday, many of us went to local care homes to sing some carols. We really enjoyed this and we sang beautifully. 

Well done to Arthur who is star of the week this week. He is a very kind and helpful member of Kingfishers and he also wrote a brilliant persuasive letter for his hot write. 

Have a lovely Christmas everyone!

Friday 9th December 2022

In maths this week, we focused on recapping and learning different times table facts. At the beginning of the week, we recapped our key instant recall facts to help us with our 6 times table's lesson and then we learnt the 9 times tables. 

In literacy, we identified the features of a persuasive letter. We then used these to help us plan our own letter. Towards the end of the week, we wrote a persuasive letter as if we were the 3 little pigs complaining about the wolf. 

In science, we learnt what conductors and insulators are and we conducted an experiment using different items in school. We put each item into a simple circuit to identify whether they are conductors or insulators. 

We had two DT lessons this week and in them, we made our own torches. We used our plans to help us and they looked amazing!  

In music, we used glockenspiels and xylophones to play a piece of music. We then recapped what the word composition means and wrote our own piece of music. 

In our online safety lesson, we discussed how people can have fun experiences online while also remaining safe. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 2nd December 2022

As well as completing a maths assessment this week, we also developed our understanding of area. We identified the area of different shapes, drew our own shapes with specific areas and compared shapes using the more than and less than signs. At the end of the week, we began our multiplication and division unit by recapping the 3 times table facts. 

In literacy, we learnt what exaggeration is, understood why it is used in persuasive letters and used it in our own writing. We then read our focus text and identified what each paragraph of the letter is about. 

In history, we learnt about Cleopatra's life and how the Ancient Egyptian civilisation came to an end. We discussed what the consequences of her reign were. 

In science, we made our own switches and then conducted an experiment to see if they worked in a circuit. We then evaluated our experiment and identified possible ways of overcoming any negatives. 

In French, we learnt how to say we like and don't like different items of clothing. We shared our opinions and then wrote sentences describing what people were wearing. 

Well done to Oscar who is star of the week this week. Oscar is a brilliant listener who always contributes great ideas and he has been very kind, polite and helpful to others. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 25th November 2022

In literacy, we wrote a biography on Thomas Edison. We edited and improved it and then we wrote the final version. We then began our persuasive letter unit by learning what emotive language is. 

In maths, we used efficient methods for subtraction, including the column method and number lines to find the difference. We then estimated answers to addition and subtraction calculations by rounding and at the end of the week, we used inverse calculations to check answers. 

In computing, we learnt what it means to budget. We then used a spreadsheet to plan and identify how much money we could spend on a party with a budget. 

We had two lessons of science this week. In the first lesson, we learnt what the different parts of a circuit are and asked scientific questions. In the second lesson, we created different circuits to identify whether they would work or not.

In history, we learnt what hieroglyphics are and learnt why archaeologists are now able to read them. We understood the importance of the Rosetta Stone.

Well done to Eloise who is star of the week this week. She has been very kind to her peers when they have struggled and she has persevered when she has been faced with her own challenges. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 18th November 2022

In maths this week, we continued to learn how to use the column method for subtraction by completing calculations with one or more exchanges. We then applied this learning to problems.

In literacy, we wrote a biography as a class about Albert Einstein, including the skills we have recently practised. We then planned our hot write on Thomas Edison.

In history, we learnt about Egyptian medicine. We learnt that Egyptians believed that if they were ill, they were being punished by the gods and we also learnt what the Ebers Papyrus is and what it shows. 

In science, we discussed the dangers of using electricity and identified ways that we can use it safely. We then looked at different scenarios and identified why they were unsafe. 

In RE, we learnt how Christians celebrate Pentecost today. We identified what activities might be done to celebrate Pentecost and then created an invitation to invite people to celebrate it. 

Well done to Sam who is star of the week this week. Sam has a brilliant work ethic and always tries his absolute best. He has also impressed the adults in the class by completing the Times Table Rock Stars programme. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 11th November 2022

In maths this week, we continued using the column method for addition by adding numbers with more than one exchange. We then began to learn how to subtract using the column method but with no exchanging.

In literacy, we practised some of the skills used to write a biography, including fronted adverbials and time conjunctions. We then planned a biography on Albert Einstein.

In history, we learnt why the River Nile was so important to the Ancient Egyptians. We learnt what they used the river for and wrote a diary entry as if we were an Egyptian.

In RE, we recapped what happened on the day of Pentecost and we looked at different pieces of artwork that showed what happened. We then drew our own image of Pentecost and identified what different parts represented.

We enjoyed our visit from Atomic Tom today. We learnt what static electricity is and completed lots of exciting activities using it.

Well done to Kiara who is star of the week this week. Kiara has completed a lot more work recently and she has completed excellent work in literacy, maths and history. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 4th November 2022

We have had a great first week back! 

In literacy this week, we learnt what a biography is and we discussed why people might read them. We then read and discussed our focus text and defined the meaning of tricky words. At the end of the week, we identified the key features of a biography. 

In maths, we practically added 4-digit numbers with no exchanging and 1 exchange. We then learnt how to do this using the column method. 

In our first science lesson this term, we learnt what electricity is and understood the difference between mains electricity and batteries. We identified appliances that use mains electricity and batteries and then we discussed items that use both. 

In RE, we learnt what happened on the day of Pentecost. We wrote about the day of Pentecost from 2 different perspectives.

In our computing lesson, we learnt how to use formulas in spreadsheets. We also learnt how to copy these formulas.

Have a good weekend.

Friday 21st October 2022

In maths this week, we continued to learn how to round to the nearest 100 and 1000. At the end of the week, we learnt how to add and subtract 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s.

In literacy, we used everything we have learnt to plan and write a non-chronological report. We used our history learning to help us write our report on Tutankhamun.

In history, we learnt about Tutankhamun and why he is a famous pharaoh. We learnt that Howard Carter discovered his tomb and we learnt what was found inside. We also discussed possible reasons why his tomb was not like other pharaoh's tombs. 

In our music lessons this week, we developed our playing and improvisation skills using glockenspiels and xylophones. We then wrote our own music and played these rhythms on the instruments. 

In our online safety lesson, we discussed how technology can be a distraction from other things and we discussed when someone might need to limit the amount of time they use technology. 

Well done to Isabel who is star of the week. She worked really hard on her science and history assessments and it's been great to see her confidence grow over the term. 

Have a great half term!

Friday 14th October 2022

In maths this week, we developed our understanding of rounding. We learnt what the rules are of rounding and we used number lines to help us. We rounded numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

In literacy, we developed our understanding of writing cohesively. We then planned our shared write and then at the end of the week, we wrote a non-chronological report together about dogs. 

In RE, we considered groups of people who might need a Good Samaritan in their lives today. We considered why they might need help, who might provide this help and what their Good Samaritan might do to help them. We then linked this back to Jesus' teachings. 

In our online safety lesson, we learnt what a digital footprint is and we considered how we want people to see us online. We also discussed why it is important to have a positive footprint. 

In history, we learnt why the Egyptian pyramids were built and we asked questions about them.

We enjoyed going down to the Church on Monday for our Harvest service. Well done to all the children who read!

Well done to Betty who is star of the week. Betty has worked hard to develop her explanations to reasoning questions in maths, she created excellent RE work and she created her own non-chronological report about the Ancient Egyptians at home.

Have a good weekend!

Friday 7th October 2022

We began to develop our understanding of non-chronological reports this week in literacy. We identified what they are and what their purpose is and then we began to unpick our focus text by discussing what it's about and who might read it. We identified the key features of a non-chronological report and we began to practise some of the skills needed to write one. We learnt how to use fronted adverbials to vary our sentences and understood how to write in a formal tone. 

In maths, we continued to develop our understanding of place value by comparing numbers to 10,000 using the more than and less than signs. We then used our knowledge of this to order numbers in both ascending and descending order. We also learnt how to read and write Roman Numerals and learnt where we might come across them. 

In history, we learnt what mummification is and why the Egyptians used it. We then considered what the steps of mummification were and we drew images to show these steps. 

In science, we completed our science experiment by observing what happened to the eggs that were left in different liquids for 1 week. We learnt that sugar can have a big impact on our teeth and we discussed what happens when we don't look after our teeth. 

In French, we used everything we have learnt this term to describe someone. We drew pictures of people we know and then described their appearance and personality.

In RE, we used the hidden meanings in the Good Samaritan story to consider how Christians show they follow Jesus' teachings. We discussed many great ideas.

Well done to Gabriel who is star of the week this week. Gabriel always puts 100% effort into his work, he completed excellent work in maths, RE and history and his work is always beautifully presented. 

Have a good weekend!

Friday 30th September 2022

We have spent a lot of time learning how to place numbers on a number line that goes up to 10,000 in maths this week. We began by placing numbers on number lines that go up in 1000s and then we placed numbers on number lines that don't go up in 1000s. After this, we estimated where numbers should be placed using our understanding of place value. 

In literacy, we planned and wrote a setting description on the Egyptian pyramids. We included lots of features, for example, similes, expanded noun phrases and personification. Once we wrote our setting descriptions, we edited and improved them and then we wrote the final version. 

In science, we recapped what the different types of teeth are and then we began an experiment to identify what impact different types of drinks have on our teeth. We put eggs in different types of drink and we will observe what happens to the egg shells next week. We discussed what a fair test is and how we were going to make our test fair. 

We learnt about the Egyptian's beliefs in history this week. We learnt that they believed in many gods and goddesses and we learnt why the Egyptians worshipped them. We understood that they believed in the Ma'at and eternal life.

In RE, we discussed why charities are important to Christians and we linked this to the Good Samaritan story. We then researched a charity called Christian Aid and learnt how they help people in need. 

Well done to Grace who is star of the week this week. Grace is always ready to learn, always focused in lessons and she makes excellent contributions. She also wrote a brilliant setting description to describe the Egyptian pyramids.

Have a good weekend. 

Friday 23rd September 2022

In literacy this week, we continued to practise some of the skills needed to write a setting description. We learnt what similes, personification and alliteration are and then we used these to describe a setting. We then planned and wrote a setting description. 

In maths, we learnt how to partition numbers in different ways. We applied our learning to reasoning and word problems and towards the end of the week, we learnt how to find 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more and less of numbers. 

In science, we learnt what the different types of teeth are and understood what their purposes are. We labelled a diagram to show where the different types of teeth are in the mouth and we asked scientific questions about teeth. 

We recapped what the Good Samaritan parable is about and what its hidden meanings are. We then discussed what the parable means to Christians and why. We also identified what a Good Samaritan might look like in today's society. 

In PSHE, we learnt how to say no in a friendly and polite way and we acted out situations where we might need to say no to a friend. We also discussed why we should not reply to others in a rude way. 

Well done to Reuben who is star of the week this week. Reuben has shown good focus in lessons and he has made excellent contributions in literacy and reading. 

 Have a good weekend!

Friday 16th September 2022

In maths this week, we developed our understanding of thousands. We used base ten and counters to represent these numbers and at the end of the week, we partitioned 4-digit numbers into thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.

We developed our understanding of vocabulary in literacy this week. We also identified the key features of a setting description, which included interesting adjectives, expanded noun phrases and figurative language. We then began to practise using these. 

In science, we continued to develop our understanding of the digestive system. We learnt what each part of the system does. 

We learnt what society was like in the Ancient Egyptian civilisation and we learnt that it was a hierarchy. We learnt who the most important person was and we learnt who the other groups of people were and what their roles were in society. We then used this information to ask historical questions. 

In computing, we began to develop our coding skills by inputting simple instructions.

In RE, we recapped what a parable is and then learnt the story of the Good Samaritan. We discussed the hidden meanings in this story.

Well done to Amelia who is star of the week this week. Amelia has been working more independently in lessons this week and it has been great to see her confidence grow!

Have a good weekend!

Friday 9th September 2022

It has been a great week welcoming Year 4 into Kingfishers. We are already back into the school routine and have learnt lots already!

In maths this week, we recapped the place value of numbers up to 1000. We used based ten and counters to make these numbers and then we partitioned them into hundreds, tens and ones. We then placed these numbers on a number line and at the end of the week, we learnt our key instant recall facts, which require us to add and subtract multiples of 10 and 100.

In literacy, we learnt what a setting description is and what the purpose of them are. We also discussed where they are likely to be found and then we visualised a setting by drawing it. 

In history, we learnt what a civilisation is and we learnt that there were many in the past. We learnt when the Ancient Egyptian civilisation began and ended and we also learnt which civilisations existed at the same time. 

In science, we learnt what the purpose of the digestive system is. We learnt what the different parts of the digestive system are and then labelled these on a diagram. 

In RE, we discussed what a parable is and we gave examples of the stories that Jesus told. We identified what makes a parable and then created a poster to share these. 

Well done to Lily-Rose who is our star of the week! She has settled into Year 4 really well and she has already learnt the class routines and follows them brilliantly. 

Have a good weekend.